First-Semester Final Exam Schedule


First-semester examinations will be held on Wednesday, December 18th,  Thursday, December 19th, and Friday, December 20th.  Attendance will be taken, as these are regular school days. The expectation is that students attend all academic blocks during the finals schedule.  The D214 Calendar Committee designed this examination schedule to balance the work and stress of final examinations for students. 

If students are not present for their exams, they will receive a zero. In extenuating circumstances, like hospitalization, students will be given an incomplete and will have the option to take the exams in January after the break.  For testing integrity reasons, we ask that parents and students refrain from asking teachers to give finals earlier than the scheduled final times.  



STUDY HALLS:  In order to maintain an academically focused environment, we ask that all students assigned to study hall (Study Hall, Freshman Study Hall, Stampede, Guided Study) report to their regularly scheduled study hall during that period.  


CAFETERIA SERVICE:  Breakfast and a “Grab and Go” lunch will be served on Wednesday and Thursday.  They may pick up a “Grab and Go” lunch after the last scheduled exam at 12:55 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday for their trip home on exam days.  Breakfast will only be provided on Friday.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024